Oreo is a 2-year-old male rabbit who has tightly pair-bonded with a female named Pepper. Oreo’s digestive tract became obstructed leading to pain and shock. Noelle’s Ark was able to provide funds to diagnose Oreo, alleviate his pain, and revive the motility of his digestive tract. Oreo quickly improved, began eating and digesting normally, and was safely returned to his mate Pepper. #charity #animalcharity #pethealth #bunny #animalwelfare #longisland #petrabbit
At the age of 5, Brody was thrown form a car involved in a terrible accident. Brody’s diagnostics and supportive care were funded by Noelle's Ark so that he could return in good health to his family.
#charity #animalcharity #pethealth #dog #doghealth #animalwelfare #longisland
As a 7-month-old puppy, Odin fractured a limb that required surgery to repair. Funds from Noelle's Ark were used to help pay for the surgery. Odin’s fracture has now healed and he is with his loving family.
#charity #animalcharity #pethealth #dog #doghealth #animalwelfare #longisland
Prince was brought to an emergency service after severe vomiting. Diagnostics were needed to determine if Prince had ingested any foreign matter that would need to be surgically removed. Thankfully, Prince did not require surgery. Noelle's Ark funded Prince’s supportive care so that he could recuperate and safely return to his family.
#charity #animalcharity #pethealth #dog #doghealth #animalwelfare #longisland
Milo suffered a pelvic fracture following an unfortunate encounter with a car. Noelle’s Ark funded diagnostics and care so that Milo’s fracture could heal during six weeks of cage rest. Milo is now enjoying life at home with his family.
#charity #animalcharity #pethealth #dog #doghealth #animalwelfare #longisland
CJ required life-saving surgeries to repair a torn urethra. Noelle's Ark provided funds for two necessary surgeries performed by a board-certified veterinary surgeon. The surgeries were successful and CJ is now enjoying life at home with his family.
#charity #animalcharity #pethealth #cat #cathealth #animalwelfare #longisland
As a 3-month-old puppy, Copita fell and hit her head during a bath. Noelle's Ark provided the funds to diagnose her injury. Copita was able to recover and is now happily at home with her family.
#charity #animalcharity #pethealth #dog #animalwelfare #longisland
Esther is a Bernese Mountain Dog that developed a complication obstructing her kidneys following her spaying as a puppy. Noelle's Ark paid for surgery to restore Esther's kidneys to full functionality. Esther can now lead a full life with her loving owners.
#charity #petcharity #dog #animalwelfare #eyeinjury #longisland
Rey is a 3-year-old male Chihuahua that was badly injured by another dog. Unfortunately, his left injured eye could not be saved and needed to be removed. Noelle's Ark helped pay for Rey's eye surgery, and he is now living safely at home with his family.
#graphic #eyeinjury #charity #petcharity #dog #animalwelfare
Simba is a 1 year-old Beagle mix who was hospitalized for severe vomiting and diarrhea. Simba's family paid for x-rays and treatment, but could not afford further diagnostics to ensure that Simba was well-enough to leave the hospital. Noelle's Ark paid for diagnostics that confirmed that Simba had fully recovered, and he was able to safely return to his loving family.
#charity #petcharity #dog #animalwelfare
Shorty is an 18-week-old Yorkie that was struck by a car fracturing his pelvis. Noelle’s Ark funded Shorty’s hospital stay so that extended cage rest would repair his fracture. Shorty is now at home with his family recovering nicely.
To support us, see the link in our bio.
#charity #petcharity #dog
Cinnamon is a 5-year old female Shih Tzu whose elderly owner could not properly care for her. The Nassau County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals used funding from Noelle’s Ark to vaccinate Cinnamon and to treat her skin infections. Currently in foster care, Cinnamon is expected to find a forever home very soon.
To support us, see the link in our bio.
#charity #petcharity #dog
Penny is a 5-years-old Great Pyrenees that spontaneously developed a hole in one of her lungs that limited her capacity to breath. Noelle's Ark was able to pay for the necessary care so that she could return to her loving family.
To support us, see the link in our bio.
#charity #petcharity #dog
Two Face is a 2-year-old male Frenchie-Bulldog mix that was attacked by a much larger dog resulting in multiple jaw fractures, puncture wounds throughout his body, and two fractured legs. Noelle's Ark provided funds to fix Two Face's lower jaw, and for intensive wound care of his legs at the North Shore Animal League. Two Face’s wounds are mending and he has been home with his loving family between treatments.
To support us, see the link in our bio.
#charity #petcharity #dog
Bella was a dehydrated, skinny, and very ill puppy at 4-months of age. Noelle’s Ark provided funds for her supportive care at an emergency clinic until she passed a foreign object from her digestive tract. Bella has fully recovered and is back to enjoying normal life with her family.
To support us, see the link in our bio.
#charity #petcharity #dog #pet
This is Spencer, and he is an 8 year old husky lives with idiopathic epilepsy. Noelle's Ark helped Spencer get additional medication and treatment for he needed to manage his seizures.
Donate to Noelle's Ark and help us help these wonderful pets! Find a link in the bio.
#husky #huskylove
Diego of the Nassau ASPCA was saved from Rimadyl toxicity with help from Noelle's Ark. You can help by donating to Noelle's Ark! See the link in bio.
Cody is an 11-year-old Pomeranian whose life was saved with financial assistance from Noelle’s Ark. Cody is an emotional support dog that was left paralyzed following an accident. Cody needed an MRI to evaluate his injuries prior to surgery or physical therapy. Noelle’s Ark provided some funding for a veterinary neurologist to perform the MRI which determined that Cody could recover with physical therapy. Cody’s owner is also thankful for the kindness of veterinary neurologist Dr. Gina Barrone of the Veterinary Medical Center of Long Island. Cody is on his way to a full recovery. Donate to Noelle’s Ark using the link in bio.
We will miss little Zoey who passed the rainbow bridge due to pulmonary edema induced by collapsing trachea.😢